Organizations and business houses today are faced with the important
issue of Ethics. What is Ethics? Different authors have given various
definitions to the term Ethics. The Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary defined
ethics as; “the moral principles that control or influence a person’s
behavior.” Crane and Matten (2007) p.8 Business Ethics 2nd Edition,
Oxford; provided the following definition, “Ethics is concerned with the study
of morality and the application of reason to elucidate specific rules and
principles that determine right and wrong for a given situation. These rules
and principles are called ethical theories.” In another word, ethics can be
seen as moral principles or rules of behavior. For this article, ethics is
discussed within the context of Business Ethics and how ethics may have an
influence on business activities and decisions which may infringe on cultural
issues. The term business can be referred to as a set of human activities such
as production and supply of goods and services by various organizations or
individuals. When ethics is discussed within the context of business activities,
you are looking at organizations and individuals that are involved with human
activities and these individuals has to consider how ethical considerations
influence the business activities, decisions and outcomes. Business situations
involve activities and business activities involve decision making. In making
decisions, individuals and business people are faced with issues of right or
wrong decisions. Faced with such situation, business houses and organization establishes
code of ethics or Ethics standard to guide an organization and its workforce to
carry out the organization activities in a correct and acceptable way. Cultural
issues in relations to business activities may be a challenge to any
organization or business entity when activities carried out touches on cultural
issues which relates to cultural norms and values.
With changes in business trends and the technological
impacts of the 21st Century, business across international
boundaries especially international and multi-national corporations are faced
with situations where there is a growing and wider territorial base for social,
economic and political activities, process and relation. How are these factors
impacting businesses today?
This article focuses on business ethics and cultural issues while
intending to do business in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Papua New Guinea is a
country with a population of approximately 8.5 million. PNG is located several
miles north of Australia and comprises 20 provinces with the large island
divided into two parts, New Guinea to the north and Papua to the south. There
are few main islands comprising the islands of New Britain, Bougainville, New
Ireland and Manus. The capital city is Port Moresby. The country shares land
border with Indonesia and sea border with Australia. The majority or eighty percent of the
population lives in the rural areas. PNG has over one thousand tribes with over
eight hundred living languages. As a high-context cultured society, the one
thousand tribes come with their cultural norms and values and doing business
with Papua New Guinean can be a challenge to outsiders who have to an extent have to navigate and try to understand
the culture’s unwritten rules, norms and values.
There are many various factors that may have implications to
business activities and cultural issues. Two of the challenging factors that
are noted here are;
Communication and
connectivity – Papua New Guinea as a country is faced with communication
and connectivity problem due to its infrastructure and geographical landscape. Carrying
out business activities in such a challenging environment, businesses are faced
with many challenges that result in increasing costs in term of connectivity
and difficulties in business operation. How does communication and connectivity
impact cultural issues within a country such as Papua New Guinea. With over 800
languages, there are words and images that may infringe on cultural norms and
values. While images portrayed and displayed in the print media, electronic
media, WEB and television may be taken for granted in the market place through
promotional activities, such images and sentences/words used may impact
business operation and success as well.
Promotion and
Advertising are seen as a means to communicate and persuade target customers
to buy certain products or services. These two activities may be carried out
through various communication modes. From advertising in any medium, through
personal selling, direct marketing and other electronic marketing. Why do
businesses advertise and promote products and services? Lea (2009) p.85 Introduction
to the Ethics of Business, UPNG Press, quoted; “Advertising is devoted to
making people believe that certain products and services are essential for
their wellbeing and health when this often is far from true.” In advertising
there is persuasion and convincing taking place. Depending on where these
activities are being carried out, customers may sometimes be caught in
situations of what is being valued in terms of their beliefs and acceptable norms.
PNG has some beautiful beaches and landscapes it can boast about however,
promoting such a beautiful location to the world with half naked and topless ladies
in bikinis to some extent may not be successful due to the fact that it goes
against certain values and beliefs. Words use as part of promotional statements
may or can be interpreted or perceived differently. To avoid cultural issues that may impact
business success, ethics and the understanding of certain cultures, norms and
values need to be embraced as part of any organization’s processes to avoid
Challenges in business ethics and cultural issue may touch
on the issue of trusts, confidentiality and other factors. With the age of connectivity
and the expansion of operations both locally and globally, national and Multi-national
Corporation need to rethink and relook on how to embrace business ethics as
part of the organization’s processes. Business ethics brings with it many
benefits such as enhancing reputation and good will, sustained long term growth
as well as success and profit.
Crane and Matten (2007) Business Ethics 2nd
Edition, Oxford
Kotler, Adam (2007) Marketing 7th Edition
Lea (2009) Introduction to the Ethics of Business UPNG Press
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