Topic 9 – Demographics and Social Class

Demographic Characteristics – Age, Income, Family (individuals and Households) Demographics are objectives characteristics (Age is age, Income is income) that are not product specific.  One’s age and income can affect purchases.

Demographic Fragmentation of the American Market

·         Mass Marketing Era (Pre 1970)
·         Market Segmentation Era (Post 1970)
·         Micromarketing Era (Post 1990) 

Age factor – Targeting youth and targeting aged population.
Income – Single wage earner to double wage earner.
Increase immigration from Asia & Latin America.
Micromarketing – is an extension of market segmentation. It is the result of technological developments that make it easier for marketers to reach these fragments. 

1.      Interactive technologies such as Internet and interactive TV make it possible for advertisers to target individual consumers with messages.
2.      Data bases have been established through credit card usage or car registration that can identify the individual’s demographic characteristic.
3.      Geo demographic analysis allows marketers to identify the demographic characteristics of area code and zip codes etc.

Demographic Trends in the American Marketplace

Population Growth – Increasing steadily since the country was formed.
Three factors determining the population growth in America – Birth rate; Lifespan; & Immigration. 

1.      Birth rate – increase by 50% from 1940 top its highest point in 1957 and then decrease to historical low in 2000. Several reasons; 

·         Baby boomers childbearing age is dying out.
·         Birth rates among teenagers are declining.
·         More employed woman are having children later in life therefore having fewer children. 

2.      Life Expectancy – Due to medical improvement, life expectancy has increased in recent years. Also people are more health conscious and living healthier lifestyle.

3.      Immigration – Significant increase of immigrants from English speaking countries from Europe, Asia and South America.

Changing Age Composition
Three age group the focus of marketing strategies 

1.      Baby Boomers – Born between 1946 – 1964 representing about 76 million consumers.
2.      Generation X – Born between 1965 – 1976 representing about 47 million consumers.
3.      Generation Y – Born between 1977 – 1994 representing about 67 million consumers.
4.      Children born after 1994 representing 56 million consumers. 

With such information marketers can be able to project future age distributions. 

Changing Household Composition

Household becoming smaller unit.
Decline in traditional family units.
Increase divorce. 

Regional Differences

Geo demographic Analysis – Differences in consumers tastes & purchases can cut across regions and be identified by specific localities. 

Global Geo demographic Analysis – Recent attentions given to global Geo demographic categorize by regional similarities. 

Socioeconomic Trends
·         Occupational status – Increasing proportion of working women.
·         Income – Household income increases therefore purchasing power has also increase.
·         Education – More people are being educated therefore contribute to employment & more income. 

Social Class Influence
Social Class – One’s ranking in society based on power and prestige, is defined primarily by demographic characteristics namely; Occupation, Income and Education.
Status Symbol – Indicated by our possession (clothes you wear, house you live in, car you drive etc).
Social Mobility – Refers to movement of an individual or household up the social ladder.

Social Class Categories In the USA 

Social Standing Hierarchy in the USA (Henry Assael, 2005)

Upper American (0.3%) – Inherited wealth & Professional and Corporate leadership.
Middle American (32%) – White & Blue collar workers.
Lower American (7%) – Working poor class & some on welfare

Students are encouraged to read more into the topic on Demographics and Social Class.


Source: Henry Assael (2005) Consumer Bahaviour A Strategic Approach (Biztantra)


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