Topic 5 Office Environment

Physical working conditions are the life of the office.. Office work consists of mental work which is distinct from physical work.  Mental work is more boring and fatiguing than physical work.  Staff spent 8 hours in the office during a working day and the emotional response of workers is better if the environment is good.
In the words of G R Terry, “ An individual’s performance is significantly conditioned by the environment in which he works. The cumulative effect of his total work environment is a strong determinative of how well he marshals his abilities and skills, his attitudes towards his work and his colleagues, and his enthusiasm of his work.”
In the words of Z K Quible, “Failure to give proper consideration to the environment of the office is reflected in several ways. Absenteeism and tardiness are also apt to increase., as are the no of errors, made by the employees. In the extreme cases, the employees “physical well being may actually be hampered.” 
The working conditions and efficiency have correlation between them. Therefore one of the easiest ways to improve office performance is to improve working conditions. It is the duty of the office manager to provide an environment which is pleasant, comfortable and conducive to good working habits.  

1. Office Lighting
  Lighting is the most important consideration in an office.  A proper designed system of lighting results in greater accuracy, improved quality of work and reduced costs.  Almost all work in the office involves paper work thus , it leads to eye strain. Poor light or powerful light can cause trouble and injury.
  Natural light has its own merits. It is good for health, it is economical, therefore, while selecting or constructing the office, see that as far as possible the shadow of the other building does not fall on the office.  Staff should be seated near the window. The office manager should ensure that maximum natural light is made available in the office.
Points to be borne in mind
  Right power of light should be provided according to the nature of work. There should not be any sharp glare or dazzle either directly or indirectly.
  There should not be any sharp shadows over the table where the clerks have to work.
  There should not be any glare directly or indirectly on the table.
  Points to be borne in mind.
If the building does not admit sufficient, natural light, an alternative arrangement of artificial light should be made, so as to have sufficient light or supplement the available light. In a gloomy day it is difficult to it is difficult to get enough light in the rooms, and in such cases artificial light is the only source. The office manager should ensure that the light provided must be proper for the particular nature of work.

Types of Artificial Light
Fluorescent Light: it is widely used and popular, We get diffused or scattered light. Electricity consumption is also low. In offices it is a good system of lighting and it does not matter if the initial costs are high.
Direct light: The lamp is fitted against the ceiling with shades. It gives a direct fall of light. The ceiling portion will be in the dark. This type of lighting system is giving way to fluorescent light.
Indirect light: The system is the reverse of the direct light. The fittings are made facing the ceiling. The fittings throw light upward and the ceiling reflects it on the tables. This system gives un-shaded light without glare but for clerical work it is not advisable.
Individual desk light: When a particular works requires more light, then an individual desk light can be provided in addition to the common light. Benefits of good lighting improves the morale of staff, increase the output and quality of work reduces eye strain and creates good impression on visitors. 

  The office should be quite airy with natural and fresh air. Only when there is good ventilation. Fresh air can reduce fatigue and remove irritable feelings. Low height of office, small/few or opening to a narrow courtyard obstructs the flow of air through the office. Adequate flow of clean and fresh air at the required temperature will enable work to flow smoothly.
  Air conditioners can be used but it’s too expensive to maintain.
  G Mills said “ The decoration of an office can have a noticeable effect on the morale of staff.  Drab surrounding are depressing, pleasant surroundings are conducive to good work.

Interior Decoration and Furnishing
  The colour used on the wall must be pleasing and in light colour. Dark colours will not be pleasing to the eye. Designs on furnishings and floor coverings must also be considered.
  Pleasant colouring and good furnishisngs will create cheerfulness in the minds of the workers.
  Furnishings such as curtains must also be in attractive and pleasing colours.
  For example; green and blue induce the feeling of coolness, orange and yellow induce the feeling of warmth. A pleasing decoration will increase prestige of the firm as well as of the employees.

  After having acquired an office or office building, the next job is selection of furniture – tables, chairs, cabinets, shelves etc…suitable furniture or other equipment must be provided for office staff to be seated comfortably and work speedily and competently.
  Office furniture is a part of the total environment of the office and is a basic facility.
  Principles in selecting furniture.
  Suitability – furniture selected should be suitable and sufficient for the job.
  Comfort – the seat of the workers, shape of the chairs, and tables must be design in a way that the workers may not feel fatigue and become demotivated.
  Design – Prior to purchase, one must have an idea of size, height and design of furniture.
  Durability- select furniture that will last.
  Weight – It is better to have light weight furniture for ease of movement . 

Freedom from Noise and Dust
  Noise is defined as an unwanted sound in or out of the office.  Noise will create irritations to staff because their concentration will be affected and will lead to errors, delays, mental fatigue and inefficiency.
  Internal noise is created by movement of machines, movement and conversation clerks and visitor, calling bells and telephone bells and shifting of furniture from place to place.
  Noise from cracking or banging doors can be reduced by fitting rubber or felt stops and also oiling the hinges.
  Dust -The amount of dust in some areas is much greater than in other areas. For example; in areas where cotton mills, sawmills are working, the atmosphere is constantly dust laden.
  When dust enters the office, it spoils the decoration, affect the health of workers, and reduce the life span of machines and equipment.  The office should be cleaned regularly. 

  Safety precautions are a must as accidents are undesirable. Accidents leads to waste of time for the person involved and fellow workers. Accidents can be caused by slip on floor, fall on stair-case, leakage of electric wire etc.
  Precaution – first aid kits must be provided and in custody of a trained person. Fire extinguishers must be installed and staff trained to use them. Fluorescent lamps and fans must be checked regularly as will as carpets and tile floors and files should be kept away from walking spaces.
  Smoking should not be allowed in the office.  

Sanitary Arrangements
  The office and its surrounding should be kept clean and free from all bad odor and infection. Insanitary conditions affect the health of staff adversely.
  Cleanliness of the office contributes to good atmosphere, and it creates a pleasant and healthy attitude to the workers. If a well decorated office is not kept clean, it looks shabby; visitors will have bad impressions about the office as it affects the prestige and image of the workers. 

Hints to be noted
  Office must be cleaned every day.
  Special cleaning must be done every week to keep clean the filing cabinets, cupboards, shelves, furniture  and equipment.
  Office should be sprayed often with disinfectant.
  Effective arrangement should be made to provide sufficient supply of wholesome drinking water at suitable places.
  Hints to be noted.
  Neat and clean canteen under combined management of employers and employees and arranged to supply quality foods.
  Office should have provision for rest rooms where workers may go and rest during intervals.
  Daily cleaning of office and furniture to be dusted. 

  Legal files and valuable documents must be kept in safe places preferably locked in cabinets and safes and kept in a restricted area.
  Cash deposits must be transported to a securitized location or bank for safe keeping.
  People entering the premises must be properly checked and identified and an entry pass issued to them. Alarm system should be install to warn of emergency situations so that they can be dealt with. 

  There are some records about business that should be kept secret from junior staff and outsiders.
  Business secrets if disclose, could cause heavy loss and downfall of the business.
  Tender Documents, Cost Information, Labour Policy, Dividend Declaration and Financial Position should be kept secret and information should be made available at the right time. 

Office Management by Pilai, R.S.N, Bagavathi. S.Chand & Company Ltd. Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110055, 2003.

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